It was an extreme honor and privilege to help set up and install art work last month in the meaningful group show, No Assumption. I showed the work: The Reddest Shift [(domestic scene) for LeWitt/Yasuda/Pagk/Farrell/etc: diagonal masters], 2010. The sub-parenthetical part refers to the specific install, into the foreclosed house. Minnesota Public Radio did a feature on it. Go to the No Assumption site for more stories, videos and images of preparation and documentation. Here is a detail image and a video of the work:
Extreme detail of “The Reddest Shift...”
Materials/components used and present in installation: laser*, recycled plastic bags, solar panels*, rechargeable batteries*, travel case.
Video documentation of “The Reddest Shift...”
Please excuse the sound, the show was still being installed in the other rooms.