Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Return/ ... /Enter Series: clarifications, extensions, etc...

Last week I received many responses and feedback about the work and the post. Some were confused and others were very interested in understanding more. Please excuse the misleading information and delivery, I take full responsibility.

The series of work, The Return/Pledge/Turn/Prestige/Enter, or for short "The Return/ ... /Enter" was begun in 2009. It stemmed out of the Parallel Panels body of work. For each of the 5 installations in the series, the requirements are: that all are squares (4 sides equal), there are 4 panels in each installation, there are 4 repeated elements inside each panel, all create a system which shifts, morphs, all are painted with oil paints or have them incorporated in some way, are on on different base medium (canvas, wood, linen, etc...), all transform in various ways in order to correspond to a panel or panels within each in the group, as well as other requirements. Each installation corresponds to each of the other installations and changes graphically and texturally, thus painterly throughout the entire series.

The title of the series is an analogy to the basic elements of all fine art experiences and it is an extension of the 3 basic segments of all magic performances: Pledge, Turn, and Prestige.

I created 2 of the installations in 2009, Substitution Trunk - ReturnLinking Rings - Pledge; I created Cups and Balls - Turn, this year, 2011; and I should complete the series in the year 2013 with the final 2 installations.

Still confused or even more confused? Try going here. If that doesn't work, try this.

Below are some images from one the other two installations created in 2009, Linking Rings - Pledge

Linking Rings - Pledge  (The Return/.../Enter series), 2009
{detail, #1 and #2 of 4 canvases}
Oil paint******on canvas*

Linking Rings - Pledge  (The Return/.../Enter series), 2009
{detail, #3 of 4 canvases}
Oil paint******on canvas*

Linking Rings - Pledge  (The Return/.../Enter series), 2009
{detail, #4 of 4 canvases}
Oil paint******on canvas*