I have received a few questions about my studio set up, and what I think it actually entails. In upcoming posts I'll share more on how my studio functions.
I will start with what is a part of the milieu (the environment). Music is more or less a constant in my studio. I love all music in all of its forms, from around the world; but do tend to gravitate towards certain styles and types in my studio. Below is a small sampling of music tracks played in the studio.
Please note all of the files are directly linked to the musicians and/or their distribution companies. Most tracks are able to download free of charge as well.
I will start with what is a part of the milieu (the environment). Music is more or less a constant in my studio. I love all music in all of its forms, from around the world; but do tend to gravitate towards certain styles and types in my studio. Below is a small sampling of music tracks played in the studio.
Please note all of the files are directly linked to the musicians and/or their distribution companies. Most tracks are able to download free of charge as well.