Friday, October 12, 2012

Oceans and Parks v.2 - post show

Thanks to all who participated and gathered for the very intimate, esoteric, group fine art show that I curated, known on this journal/blog as: Oceans and Parks. Below are a few images of the works included. Stay tuned for other posts relevant to this show.

1920s image of "the Vale"

My work and contribution to the show: Relational Data Based, 2012. Wood, paint, led lights, solar panels, etc...

Below are some other images of Fine Artists' work

Brian Higbee and Future Living Project's An Object for a Future I'll Never See, 2012. Wood and Acrylic Latex

Christopher X J. Jensen's meditations on what it means to live a life worth being proud of, 2012. Wood frames, collage, etc...

If you would like a free, interactive, digital catalog for the show: please email me, note whether you want a link to download or it sent via e-mail.